Vegan Sugar Cookies for the Superbowl
My son wanted to make sugar cookies for the Super Bowl. I’m not sure why, but he chose this particular cookie to represent his celebration. His usual favorite is chocolate chip. I haven’t made sugar cookies in years. Many years. I’m in love with the Minimalist Baker, so it was my go-to for a recipe.
I used Bob Red Mill egg replacer, which becomes close to the consistency of applesauce. I wouldn’t have thought to use pumpkin puree as the binder, and I will one day. And you should, too! I usually use half a mashed banana for each egg, and less frequently applesauce. But I recently started using this powder. It is so much better than the boxed variety I was using in the 1990s!
My son wanted to be able to decorate the cookies for the team he was rooting for. The Philadelphia Eagles. He also asked to put up green and white streamers all around the living room. That wasn’t quite enough, though, he asked if he could use the confetti he received as a reward from his piano teacher during the game. He meticulously picked out the silver and green colored pieces which he then, hours later, threw out every time the Eagles inched closer to winning.
I didn’t anticipate how light the green color of the frosting would be. We could have added more dye to make it darker, but he was satisfied with this color, and quickly licked the beaters and ate a test cookie.
The best tip that Dana at Minimalist Baker shares in this recipe is to dip a glass in sugar before pressing it down on the formed “heaping 1 tablespoon chilled dough” balls. Not only does this reduce a big chunk of mess, it leaves a tiny bit of extra sugar on top of the cookie. I would have pressed these a little harder, or next time, I may opt to roll the dough out and cut some shapes.
Again, I feel grateful that my son embraces a vegetarian lifestyle, and was happy to cook these cookies together with me, egg replacer and all.