Intentional Manifestation:
Ask and It Is Given
6-week course of self discovery
with Heather Felty
Are you ready to:
> Stop Worrying?
> Build Your Self-Confidence?
> Get Clear About What You Want?
> Ask for What You Want?
> Celebrate What You Receive?
> Remain Positive?
> Break Past Limiting Thoughts?
Learn how to Manifest with Intention in this 6-week course with Heather!
The Law of Attraction is always at work. You are attracting both “good” and “bad” in your life at any given moment.
This class was created for you to understand how your thoughts have an important impact on your life. When you purposefully alter your thought patterns, you can achieve your full potential. No prior knowledge on Manifestation is necessary to participate in this online course, however an open mind and willingness to work on yourself is essential.
Each week we look at the key principles of manifestation and practice focusing our attention on drawing the things we want to us, and naturally repel that which is not desired.
Be prepared for massive change in your life experience if you are willing to apply the universal principles of manifestation!
We meet weekly on a Zoom session
Thursdays at 11 am Central
Lesson Plan:
Week 1 – Principles/Purpose of Manifestation & the “Law of Attraction”
Week 2 – The Importance Of Connecting to Self and Understanding True Connection
Week 3 – How We Attract What We Don’t Want
Week 4 – The Power of Self-Confidence and Action Plans
Week 5 – Blockages to Manifestation
Week 6 – Creating Your Personalized Plan for Manifestation
Cost for the course is $50. Click here to pay for the course; Zoom instructions will be emailed upon payment.
Class sessions will be recorded and accessible to those enrolled in the course (this is helpful if you must miss a live lesson and would like to catch up, or if you just want to review the material again and again).
Send an email to Heather with any questions.

Heather Felty
Your Course Instructor
Heather Felty has been an avid student and practitioner of yoga philosophy for 25 years. In 2019 she became a 230-hour registered yoga teacher, and has since enjoyed sharing her knowledge and insight with her students. She feels blessed to be able to support others on their journey to find inner strength and ease in all areas of their lives.