There is power in your vision. It sets the course of where you will go. You can determine the outcome of your life if you just allow yourself to see it. A vision board provides a physical reminder daily (or hourly depending on where you place your vision board) of what you want in life.
It should come as no surprise that successful people create and use vision boards to help manifest their destiny.
To make a board, people typically cut images and words from colorful magazines and paste them to a board which they then pin to the back of a closet door, or on the wall next to the bathroom — somewhere they will see the board once or twice a day. The idea is that every time you look at your board, you are reminded to visualize your ideal life.
It is important to be centered and focused when you create your vision board. It helps a lot to be gathering nice magazines in the weeks prior to assembling your board so you have plenty of options to choose from.
But what is even more important is to take time to consider what do you want in your life. Who do you want to be? What do you want to do? What do you want to have? Before you answer, remind yourself to dream, and to dream big.
This is your chance to imagine yourself living on the beach, flying a plane, running an empire, or winning an award. Envision the most amazing dream life for yourself and put it on your board.
Vision boards come in various forms. Mostly they are on 20×24 inch white poster board, but can also come much smaller, put on canvas frames, or one amazing vision board I saw was made into an accordion fold-out that sat on my friend’s desk.
Your vision board is yours, so you should make it uniquely your own. If that means decorating with paint or glitter glue, or even printing stock photos since you can’t find just the right thing in magazines, then go for it. You may end up writing out the words or phrases you just can’t find in magazines.
You should strive to make something so beautifully inspirational that you will want to see it often throughout your day and even allow others to share your vision.
Give your vision the power it deserves. Give it focus and attention by creating a vision board. Set your intention to succeed, or get fit, or have love, or whatever it is you seek; as you should have it. It is there for you, you just need to show yourself the way to it.