Find Your CalmClaritySelfInner Peace
Empower yourself by getting to know yourself.
Start your journey of self-exploration through:
> journaling
> meditation
> reflection
> mindful movement
From the Blog
10 Health Benefits of Giving Up Meat
For many people, meat is a major player when it comes to the central ingredients of meals. Meals like these are usually accompanied by some kind of starch like potato [...]
Basic Overview of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are a compilation of 196 aphorisms. It is a comprehensive fundamental text of yoga, and an instrumental part of Hindu scriptures said to be compiled [...]
Using Mind Mapping to Reach Your Goals
If you have ever been in the middle of a project, task for a client, or trying to organize the household budget and you can't seem to focus then you [...]