When is the Best Time of Day to Meditate?
The truth is that there is not one correct answer regarding the best time for everybody to practice meditation. Each person is different and looks to meditation to help with their particular life in [...]
The truth is that there is not one correct answer regarding the best time for everybody to practice meditation. Each person is different and looks to meditation to help with their particular life in [...]
If you are struggling with stress and anxiety, they might not be mutually exclusive. It is possible that they are linked, either with stress occurring first or anxiety occurring first. Here are some signs [...]
Yoga, though an old practice, has gained popularity in today’s society. For a majority, yoga enables them to take a break from their busy lives. In addition, yoga provides them with many physical and [...]
When I came back from a semester studying in England, newly vegetarian, I was fortunate to take a nutrition class and learned lots of good stuff, including how to properly nourish my body. One [...]
Do you insert positive things about yourself into your journal when you’re looking at your goals?If you’ve been looking at these kinds of articles for a bit, then you’ve probably heard about the importance [...]
Find Peace and HappinessWhen you start journaling your life, you begin to find all of these amazing benefits. It is wonderful for your mental, physical, and emotional health. These benefits might take a little [...]
In the later years of your life, will you remember all of your adventures? Will you vividly recall the emotions that you felt during some of the best times as well as some of [...]
Holistic medicine has gained popularity over the years as something more beneficial and healthier than traditional medication. So much so that more stores are beginning to carry many varieties of natural medications. While experts [...]
You may have heard about the health benefits of yoga in improving mental and physical health and improving flexibility, and you might assume that meditation is the same thing. Although meditation can certainly be [...]
As the life expectancy continues to rise as it has for the last century, the percentage of the population that we are seeing with problems that we associate with an aging brain such as [...]