Trust Your Future Self
I’m wondering lately why we are prone to negative self-talk. It seems almost ingrained in our nature. It doesn’t help to recognize that we are surrounded by negativity: judgement, resentment, jealousy, anger, and more, [...]
I’m wondering lately why we are prone to negative self-talk. It seems almost ingrained in our nature. It doesn’t help to recognize that we are surrounded by negativity: judgement, resentment, jealousy, anger, and more, [...]
It can be difficult to stop and smell the roses when you are rushing around all the time, trying to keep on top of all you do and still connect meaningfully with others. But [...]
Energy is constantly moving in every object, expanding and contracting at various speeds. Frequency is the rate at which this energy moves and is measured in hertz. Vibration is energy contracting and oscillation is [...]
I'm living the dream. Even during a time of struggle, I am enjoying each moment to the fullest. Of course it helps that I'm sitting poolside at an AirBnB apartment where I'm staying for [...]
"It is all in your head." Has anyone ever said this to you? It can be really frustrating to hear this, especially when you are having a bad day. But the truth is: your [...]
My first yoga teacher really loved Padahastasana. He started us almost every class with a relaxed version. We would be in the pose until everyone got situated on our mats. Sometimes Darren would ask [...]
I’ve been wanting to share my second favorite Evolv product: Fuel. It is a lemony yellow drink that replaces my craving for coffee in the morning, gives me super energy, and provides me with [...]
Alright, I realize I’m serious behind on some very interesting topics out there, but this headline from 2003 confirmed something I’ve been wondering lately. “Exercise has a more powerful impact on the brain than [...]
In our ever-rushing society, we all have too much on our plate, never enough time, and an increasing level of stress. We’re taxed and feel the pressure to perform and meet the demands of [...]
Earthly attachment is a tricky thing. We love people and we love our memories. Our memories are kept alive through objects. Sometimes we get caught up in the objects we buy. As in the [...]