Ganesha Guides Us to Overcome Obstacles
Ganesha, the Hindu god of wisdom, is granted the task of helping us get past all of life’s difficulties. He represents the will and power we have to overcome our challenges and is the [...]
Ganesha, the Hindu god of wisdom, is granted the task of helping us get past all of life’s difficulties. He represents the will and power we have to overcome our challenges and is the [...]
ASHTANGA is Sanskrit for eight limbs. It is a two word phrase incorporated as one: ashta, meaning eight, and anga, meaning limbs. This eightfold system of yoga dates as far back as 2,000 years [...]
A religion which is better described as a way of life, Hinduism has no definite and designated order, worship pattern, holy book, founder, religious head, particular service day, etc. It is a truly diverse [...]
Personal responsibility means you are taking ownership over your choices. Choices influence the outcomes in your life, and what you learn from those outcomes informs better decisions in future actions and choices. When you [...]
Chances are this isn’t the first time you are reading that a smile is contagious. Why is that important for us to remember? When you share a smile with someone, the instinctual response is [...]
In physics, stress is defined as the internal resistance of an object to an external force that tends to deform it. WHAT? Stress is caused from the inside?!?! Yes, that’s why we are able [...]
Sleep deprivation is practically an epidemic. Have you noticed lately how many people are saying they aren’t getting enough sleep? It is a condition running rampant in society. It is making us sick, irritable, [...]
Do you ever find yourself misunderstanding what someone you know well is saying to you? Do you subsequently find yourself questioning your responses to them? Most people hear others speaking to them, but too [...]
You’ve been there, right? The crippling feeling of overwhelm. That moment when you can’t even get one thing done because there is just so much to do. I’ve been there. I’ve felt it. [...]
We all need help. The sooner we can recognize that, the sooner we can feel some freedom. And let’s face it… people actually like to help. I know I do! What is help? Help [...]